
Brand Identity for Lumi

Brand Identity for Lumi

Realigning A Massage Therapist’s Brand

Realigning A Massage Therapist’s Brand

Realigning A Massage Therapist’s Brand

To Reflect Personalized Healing & Care

To Reflect Personalized Healing & Care

At the heart of Luminous Lumi is Lumi herself, a massage therapist dedicated to the art of healing

At the heart of Luminous Lumi is Lumi herself, a massage therapist dedicated to the art of healing

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For those overwhelmed by the hustle of life, she's a beacon of calm and personalized care. Yet, translating her unique healing touch into a brand that resonates with her busy clientele presented a challenge. Lumi needed a brand that not only reflected her expertise but also reached out and spoke to the very souls of those in need of her healing hands.

For those overwhelmed by the hustle of life, she's a beacon of calm and personalized care. Yet, translating her unique healing touch into a brand that resonates with her busy clientele presented a challenge. Lumi needed a brand that not only reflected her expertise but also reached out and spoke to the very souls of those in need of her healing hands.

The Brand Jam

Lumi sought to create a brand identity that resonates with her unique approach to healing busy individuals, aiming to communicate her personalized service effectively.

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"I felt deeply drawn in by the way that Verô's website transmitted her intention, approach, talent and skill. I just knew it was a perfect match."

product design for massage therapist
product design for massage therapist
website design for massage therapist
website design for massage therapist

The Brand Plan

We developed a brand strategy that highlights Lumi's unique value proposition and clarified her business purpose to connect with her target audience.

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"I loved the in-depth video breakdown of my brand. Insight into Verô's process and how she connected all of the dots helped me gain clarity on the purpose of my business and how to share it with the world."

card stationery for massage therapist
card stationery for massage therapist
business card design for massage therapist
business card design for massage therapist

The Results

Lumi's new brand identity has already started to transform her business, attracting more clients even before its official launch.

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"I haven't even launched my new brand yet and my business has already expanded immensely. I believe that this entire process with Verô has created a distinct shift in the way that I operate as a business owner and the way that I perceive my business. This has been transformative to say the least and I'm truly excited to see where my brand goes from here!"

product design for massage therapist
website design for massage therapist
card stationery for massage therapist
business card design for massage therapist

Want a cohesive, consistent and professional brand?

Want a cohesive, consistent and professional brand?

You’ve landed on this page for a reason and I’m excited to chat with you. Let’s create a brand identity that’s iconic and authentic, one that lights up eyes and warms hearts over and over again!

You’ve landed on this page for a reason and I’m excited to chat with you. Let’s create a brand identity that’s iconic and authentic, one that lights up eyes and warms hearts over and over again!

Work with Verô

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