Colors associated with health: Choose the right brand colors


Colors associated with health: Choose the right brand colors


  • Colors boost brand recognition by 80%.

  • Each color has specific psychological impacts.

  • Choose colors based on audience, brand personality, and desired emotions.

  • Use mood boards to visualize and refine your palette.

  • Apply colors to marketing materials for testing.

Get the free Get Your Brand Together workbook here!

When you think about brands like Marvel, Instagram and Pepsi, in addition to your favorite superhero sipping on a fizzy drink popping in your mind, you probably also thought about the logos of these brand, and with that, the colors commonly associated with each business!

Colors are one of the most important elements of your brand identity, but how do you choose an eye catching color combination? In this blog post I'll cover the colors that represent wellness and what to think before you choose brand colors.

Ready to finally pick a fresh, healthy color palette that feels like your brand? Let's dive in!

brand designer
brand designer
brand designer
brand designer

Color improves brand recognition by up to 80%

Here's a fact: Most top businesses across various sectors have a certain color by which their customers can instantly recognize their brands. Red, blue, yellow - your brain is probably connecting these with brands without you even being fully aware of it.

Likewise, health and wellness brands read brand colors to tell their prospective customers what their business is about. The colors are the first element of recognition for a potential customer. Whatever your business sells, be it organic skincare products, essential oils or a mindfulness app, it is important to use colors that will express your brand quickly and effectively.

brand designer selecting inspiration for color palette

Let's take your imagination for a spin, shall we?

Imagine going into a yoga studio with purple accent colors, green walls, and captivating art on the walls. Then imagine walking into another yoga studio with an all-white color background, minimalist decoration, and a black and white logo. These are two great yoga studios, but they each have specific business ideologies for their customers using their brand colors. The same applies to your website color scheme.

 By taking a look at the psychology of colors, we can better understand this.

illustration with colors and fonts

The psychology of colors in color palettes for wellness brands

You may have heard that colors have unique meanings, but have you thought about the deeper psychology of colors and how they are related to your business? 

Well, now you should! Chances are that you already have colors for your business, but here's a quick question; Are those colors appropriate? Will those colors attract your target audience or will it repel them? Yikes!

The psychology of colors is an essential factor to note when you want to choose colors for your fitness and health brand. Certain colors spur specific emotions in a person's reaction based on our brain's reaction to them. Colors are even known to improve mood, so choosing the right colors will make a major impact on how your brand is perceived.

Because each color has a unique meaning, you need to learn about the psychology of color and the meaning of each color when you set out to choose a color for your wellness brand representation.

Should I use electric blue or soft pink?

The million dollar question. What color should I pick for my palette? Or, is there the best color combination for logo? 

Choosing the perfect brand kit colors is like choosing the perfect outfit for a first date - you want to make a good impression!

One thing you should know, different colors convey different emotions.

Let's say for example that you're looking for colors that help you focus or calm color palettes for your wellness brand – peaceful, relaxing, and casual, you may consider accent colors like light pink, light blue, and white. On the other hand, if your brand is corporate and serious, probably with a touch of luxury, then dark blue color, purple, gold, black and similar colors.

Now, when it comes to logo design, the right color scheme can make all the difference. You'll also want to think about the best logo color combinations and logo color schemes that will represent your brand's personality and values. But don't forget, if a logo works in black and white, it'll work in colors too! So don't be afraid to experiment with different logo color combinations until you find the one that fits your brand like a glove.


Here’s a beginner's guide to color psychology:

  • Red: Power! For rebellious brands looking to disrupt the status quo. 

  • Pink (or hot pink!): For brands who want to convey nurturing traits.

  • Orange: For vibrant brands who are always in a playful mood, orange could be fun. 

  • Yellow: Yellow is associated with energy and happiness.

  • Green: If you want to connect with nature, choose green. 

  • Baby Blue: Purpose-driven businesses who are creating mindfulness and meditation products will feel more aligned with light blue. 

  • Darker Blue: Show how knowledgeable you are with dark blue.

  • Black: Keep it simple, sleek, and modern with black. 

  • White: All about inner peace.

  • Gray: Gray gives that mature and classic feel.

For those of you seeking the best logo color combinations, here's a tip from yours truly: Begin your design with a black and white logo, then layer your chosen colors on top. If it holds its ground (stand alone) in grayscale, trust me, it'll stand out in any color!


↘️ Create a memorable online presence with the right colors and a brand logo. Head over to the free training Get Your Brand Together for the fastest route to choosing the best color combination for your brand. Match your brand with your audience's emotions and make heads turn! 

brand designer drawing with brand colors

3 tips on how to choose the right color palette for health and wellness businesses

Picking the right colors for your color palette can often feel overwhelming. But, if done mindfully, this process can become really simple, and fun! 

Instead of thinking generally about what color represents wellness or picking generic elegant color schemes, let's dive a little deeper.

First things first, make sure you already have a good brand strategy in place before moving on to choosing colors. If “brand strategy” are two words you are unfamiliar with, it’s time to go back to the drawing board! It’s only when your brand strategy is on point, that your visual branding, including your colors, can make that impact you want. I explain more about brand strategies and how to develop an authentic brand strategy in this article here.

Though there's quite the buzz around what are touted as the 'best colors for mental health' or 'best colors for marketing,' I reckon it's wiser to sidestep the trends. Instead, hone in on colors that embody your brand in the most intentional and unique way. It's all about what feels 'you', isn't it? 

Next, keep in mind that you'll need to plan to have primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors. Primary colors are the ones you'll use the most, your secondary color you'll use often and tertiary colors sometimes.

Not that we got that out of the way, here’s 3 quick tips to get you started. These are just a few pieces of the puzzle but are important to consider in choosing the best colors for your health or wellness brand. 


Tip #1: Know your ideal audience

Before you make any decision in your business, first you have to define who your ideal customer is. 


It's very hard and confusing to sell your offer when you aren't certain who will buy from you in the first place. Knowing your audience is a key part of your brand strategy. 


When you get crystal clear on your audience you can connect instantly with them and show how your products or services are unique and irresistible. One thing that helps me, as a branding expert, to define an audience is looking beyond demographics, and focusing instead on psychographics. Psychographics have to do with deciphering what your target audience likes and dislikes, what their beliefs and core values are and what kind of challenges they face. 


For example, if you want to attract young professional women who sometimes feel overwhelmed by how busy their corporate lives can get and are looking for a way to relax, the colors you choose might be different from attracting active teenagers looking for a good energy drink after skateboarding with friends. 


When looking at other wellness businesses, sometimes you'll see brands use purple, green, or white as their main colors. Although that is not the standard, these branding colors are often chosen by wellness businesses as they can convey a feeling of health and often mean things like "nature", “new”, “innovative”, and “fresh”. Are these feelings you want your wellness brand to reflect? Have some fun with purple, green, white to see if they resonate with your audience!



Tip #2: Pay attention to the colors around you.

When you want to design colors for your brand to reflect your unique personality, take some time to observe the colors around you. Have a look at your wardrobe - what colors do you tend to always go for? How about your home accents - are there certain colors that you cannot resist, every time you decide to decorate? These are natural selections, colors that reflect who you are. And if you want your brand to reflect your personality, these are the colors that matter. Also keep in mind how they make you feel - are they calming color schemes? corporate colour schemes? warm colors? Note it down.


Here’s a nugget of wisdom for you: less is more!

When picking your colors, make sure to do it intentionally. Is it necessary to add in the sparkly silver stars? Would that confuse your audience more than connect with them? If you’re unsure, don’t worry! I have something special cooking for you - keep reading and you’ll find out towards the end of the blog!



Tip #3: Design an intentional mood board for your wellness brand

When you want to choose colors for your brand, the best thing to do is to lay it all out so you can see how they all come together. How to do this? Forget the color wheel, create a mood board. 


You may be wondering what that is; a mood board is like a vision board, however, it is focused on your visual branding. 


This mood board helps you know if your visual branding should take a casual look, something professional, expensive, or have other traits. Sometimes, boards include typography, colors, images, and other vital elements and they are spread out over one single board and complement each other. 


You can choose to create a mood board in applications like Illustrator or Photoshop, or you can use Canva or any other free design software. Some people prefer to print everything out, cut images out of magazines and create a physical board. Try it, it’s really fun!


When you create a mood board, you'll know the style your wellness brand will follow and the feel as well. Likewise, you can decide to use your mood board as the yardstick for your brand identity. 


When creating your board, remember to always focus on your target audience, who you intend to attract to your brand, and how you want them to feel.


Once you have all this done and a broad idea of which colors you want to go with, I recommend try applying them to marketing materials (like a Canva template, for example!). This way you can adjust the contrast or eliminate the colors that aren't sparking joy. 


Pssst... Wondering about the best colors for company logo? Or, best website colors? Head over to this blog post for a full breakdown.

brand designer working on a new colorful brand

Next Step: Create your unique wellness brand with the right colors!

And here, you go! 3 steps to get you started with picking the best color palette. It's your turn to choose an exquisite color scheme that'll announce your brand and express your brand personality and unique vision. Go get it!

And if you have more questions about DIYing your visual branding, I have exactly what you need. Indeed, there’s a lot to think about when designing a wellness brand that is authentic, impactful, and timeless.

In the free training: Get Your Brand Together, I cover step-by-step the key information on how to have a more intentional approach to your color palette and overall visual branding for your heart-centered business.

See you there!